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高性能计算机架构代写 Computer Architecture代写

ECE/CS 570 – High Performance Computer Architecture

Homework #2

高性能计算机架构代写 1.Consider a shared-memory multiprocessor that consists of three processor/cache units and where cache coherence is maintained by an


Consider a shared-memory multiprocessor that consists of three processor/cache units and where cache coherence is maintained by an MSI protocol. Table 2 shows the access sequence taken by three processors to the same block but to different variables (A, B, C) in that block.

Table 1 Timing and traffic parameters for protocol actions (B is the block size)

Request typeTraffic
Read hitN/A
Write hitN/A
Read request serviced by next level6 bytes + B
Read request serviced by private cache6 bytes + B
Read-exclusive request serviced by next level6 bytes + B
Read-exclusive request serviced by private cache6 bytes + B
Bus upgrade/update request10 bytes
Ownership request6 bytes
Snoop action N/A

Table 2

 Processor 1Processor 2Processor 3
2 RB 
3  RC
5  RC
6 RA 
8  RA
9  RB

(a) Classify the misses with respect to cold, true sharing, and false sharing misses.

(b) Which of the miss(es) could be ignored and still guarantee that the execution is correct?

(c) Determine the fraction of essential traffic resulting from the access sequence using the parameters in Table 1, and assuming that the block size is 64 bytes.

2. 高性能计算机架构代写

Consider the following program, assuming that A and B are variables in memory initialized to 0, and R1, R2, and R3 are registers:

P1   P2    P3

A=1  R1=A  R2=B

B=1  R3=A

For all Possible R1, R2, R3 outcome combinations, and which outcome(s) is/are not sequentially consistent and why?

3. 高性能计算机架构代写

Consider a bidirectional mesh topology. There are n dimensions in total. The number of nodes in dimension k is k+1, where k ranges from 1 to n.

(a) Calculate the total number of network channels when n = 1, n = 2, and n = 3 (a bidirectional link counts as one, not two).

(b) Calculate the total number of network channels in terms of n (please show your steps).

4. 高性能计算机架构代写

Prove whether or not the following routing algorithms for 2D meshes based on prohibiting dimensional turns are deadlock-free. Explain your answer. The routing algorithms are expressed with the following abbreviations: W = west, E = east, N = north, and S = south.

(Hint: You may wish to refer to the Turn Model algorithm to prove your answer by drawing a directed graph that depicts dependencies between channels and verifying the channel dependency graph is free of cycles.)

(a) Allowed turns are from W to N, E to N, S to W, and S to E.

(b) Allowed turns are from W to S, E to S, N to E, and S to E.

(c) Allowed turns are from W to S, E to S, N to W, S to E, W to N, and S to W.

(d) Allowed turns are from S to E, E to S, S to W, N to W, N to E, and E to N.


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