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设计管理代写 Design Management代写 LICA242代写

LICA242 Design Management

Assignment Brief

设计管理代写 Introduction To allow you to demonstrate the Learning Outcomes, you are asked to complete two assignments worth 100% of the module. Assignment One: Term Paper (80%)


To allow you to demonstrate the Learning Outcomes, you are asked to complete two assignments worth 100% of the module.

Assignment One: Term Paper (80%) 设计管理代写

Each student will submit an essay of 2500 – 3000 words. The essay will focus on of the six Term Paper Questions below. The essay needs to be informed by content from Lectures and Seminars, Readings from Moodle, as well as any further research that you think is relevant and interesting in regards to your topic.

Term Paper Questions

Choose one of the six titles:

1. How can Design Managers add value in a GRAPHIC DESIGN agency?

2. How can Design Managers add value in a SERVICE DESIGN agency?

3. How can Design Managers add value in a UX DESIGN agency?

4. How can Design Managers add value in a WEB DESIGN agency?

5. How can Design Managers add value in an INNOVATION DESIGN agency?

6. How can Design Managers add value in a MARKETING agency?

Please note 设计管理代写

· Consider what design does for the economy (Cox Review).

· Consider what design does for individual companies (Cox Review).

· Consider how design can help companies face 21st century challenges including increasing rates of technological change and increasingly fragmented markets.

· You might discuss where design can add value up an organisational hierarchy and across organizational functions (Cooper & Press, 1995, 3 levels of Design Application)

· Consider the implementation of design management, perhaps discussing the roles of Management (Mintzberg, 1971) or Functions of Management (Fayol, 1954). You could extend discussion to include Emotional Intelligence and management (Goleman, Boyatzis, McKee, 2013)

· You might discuss where Design Managers add value in the stages of models of Design, Innovation or NPD E.g.

o Best (2006) Key stages of the design process

o Design Council (2005) Design process model

o ISO DIS 13407 (1999) User Centred Design

o Loch & Kavadias (2008) Evolutionary framework of NPD

Suggested Structure 设计管理代写

Your broad structure might be:

Part 1: What design does for the economy and individual companies, including facing 21st century problems

Part 2: What is design management (perhaps including history)

Part 3: What is management (Mintzberg 1971 / Fayol 1954) and why something (in general) should be managed

Part 4: Where design can add value up an organisational hierarchy and across organizational functions

Part 5: What a Design Manager in a design agency actually does. To do this you could discuss Mintzberg / Fayol mapped against what happens in a design agency (e.g. find prospective clients, win a prospective client’s business, serve clients). You might structure this across a model of design (E.g. Best, 2006)

Assessment Criteria

The assignment will be marked based on the following marking criteria:

40% Research: breadth and depth of research and sourcing of good information is demonstrated.

40% Narrative: A suitable level of appropriate language relevant to the subject matter.

20% Presentation: an ability to present writing which is professional in its communication and referenced to Harvard standard.

Assignment Two: Presentation (20%) 设计管理代写

Each student will record a 6-8 minute presentation on one of the challenges of design management. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the history, practices, applications and forms of design management.

The recording will be uploaded to Moodle as a common computer film format e.g. mp4, MOV, WMV, AVI Suggestions for recording include OBS Studio, Voice over PowerPoint (or other screen capture) or a recording of the presentation “in person” using camera phone or other recording equipment.

Your presentation can take any format e.g. without slides if you prefer a creative approach.

Presentation Question

This is a presentation that supports your Term Paper, containing similar information but in a compelling format. Make the viewer understand the PROBLEM that design management addresses (rapid paces of change, fragmenting customer segments etc.) and that design managers address (Mintzberg / Fayol with a leaning towards the “5 challenges of UK Creative industries” from Cox review).

Please note 设计管理代写

It may help to consider this as a VIVA presentation of your term paper.

Suggested Structure

The structure will depend on the method you choose to present your recording.

Assessment Criteria

The assignment will be marked based on the following marking criteria:

40% Research: breadth and depth of research and sourcing of good information is demonstrated.

40% Narrative: A suitable level of appropriate language relevant to the subject matter.

20% Presentation: an ability to present which is professional in its communication and visual elements.

Academic Integrity 设计管理代写

The University regards any action by a student that may result in an unfair academic advantage as a serious issue; without honesty and trust, true academic discourse becomes impossible, learning is distorted and the evaluation of student progress and academic quality is compromised.

Therefore, the University is committed to:

1. Defending the academic credibility and reputation of the institution,

2. Protecting the standards of its awards,

3. Advising its students of the need for academic integrity, and providing them with guidance on best practice in studying and learning,

4. Protecting the interests of all students.

All relevant written submissions are subject to plagiarism checks through the Turnitin software. Please also note that other forms of assessment, including artworks, performances, musical scores, 2D and 3D elements are also subject to the same regulations.


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