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电影essay代写 Review代写 电影观后感代写 电影paper代写


电影essay代写 Your review of “Mill Girls” is due today. You can find the video by following the OneDrive link I sent to you. Your papers should be at least

Your review of “Mill Girls” is due today. You can find the video by following the OneDrive link I sent to you.

Your papers should be at least three pages long, typed and double-spaced, no more than four pages, or 1000 – 1300 words (you may format your text in a different manner – see below – but please keep this length guideline in mind). Take the opportunity to proofread, since all errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation, or typography will affect your grade. In accordance with national laws, the College’s plagiarism policy clearly states that you can’t use or paraphrase someone else’s words or ideas without properly crediting them. As it becomes easier for students to take text from the web and call it their own, it also becomes easier for instructors to search online and detect these abuses. This assignment does not require outside sources, but if you choose to use them, please acknowledge them in an appropriate manner.

Your papers will be newspaper/periodical-style Theatre reviews. 电影essay代写

We will read and discuss examples of Theatre reviews. Some common features of reviews include:

  • A brief synopsis of the plot of the play
  • A brief discussion of important themes in the play
  • Descriptive response to the work of the Theatre Artists involved in the Production: Playwright, Director, Leading Actors, and Designers
  • Logistical information about how, when, and where to see the play

One of the most unique aspects of this assignment will be choosing the publication for which you are writing (the New Yorker, The New York Times, Seven Days, The Defender, Entertainment Weekly, a blog, etc.), the needs, tastes, likes, dislikes of its readership, and the appropriate voice needed to speak to that audience. You must choose a different publication for each review assignment, and state the name of the intended publication on your paper. Interesting graphics and layouts are a plus.


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