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数据管理代写 DSCI 559代写 ER Modeling代写 ER建模代写

DSCI 559 Homework #3: ER Modeling

数据管理代写 Draw an ER diagram that captures the following structure. You can include some descriptive text to explain features of your model if you think that

Draw an ER diagram that captures the following structure. You can include some descriptive text to explain features of your model if you think that will help. You should indicate the multiplicities associated with each relationship. You can use a superclass-subclass relationship if you want, but a solution without it will also be acceptable.

  • There are hospitals with a name and an address
  • There are rooms in hospitals with room numbers
  • There are people with a name and social security number
  • Some people are doctors, and doctors have a specialty
  • Some people are patients and they have an age
  • An operation involves a doctor, a patient, and a room and has an associated time


Submission: 数据管理代写

  1. Submit a single file on Blackboard FirstName_LastName_hw3.pdf 2. You canmake use of any software or website to draw the ER diagram (draw.io1is a good option and is free to use).
  2. You may also draw the diagram on paper and submit a scanned copy (suggested apps are Adobe Scan, Microsoft Office Lens, Google Drive and CamScanner). If you choose this method of submission, please make sure your handwriting isclear and legible.

Grading Criteria: 数据管理代写

  1. Late submissions (up to 24 hours) will be penalized by 20%. No credit will be given after 24 hours of submission deadline.
  2. In case of scanned submissions, additional penalty may be applied if the text is not clear or legible.


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