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数据结构代写 Data Structures代写 binary tree代写

Assignment – 11

[ 100 Points ]

CSC-220-06 Data Structures

数据结构代写 Assignment Goals Answer the following questions. Points applicable for each of the questions are mentioned alongside the question

Assignment Goals

Answer the following questions. Points applicable for each of the questions are mentioned alongside the question


Consider a binary tree that has three levels.. Answer the following questions: [20 pts]

a. What is the maximum number of nodes in this tree?

b. What is the maximum number of leaves in this tree?

c. Answer the previous two questions for a binary tree that has 10 levels

2. 数据结构代写

Write a recursive algorithm, that counts the nodes in a binary tree. Only Pseudo Code is required, along the lines of the format on slides 17 and 22 of the class presentation[20 pts]

3. 数据结构代写

Consider a traversal of a binary tree. Suppose that visiting a node means to simply display the data in the node. What are the results of each of the following traversals of the tree in Figure below


(a) Pre-order [10 pts]

(b) Post-order [10 pts]

(c) In-order [10 pts]

(d) Level-order [10 pts]

4. 数据结构代写

Suppose we know that the preorder traversal of a binary search tree is

6 2 1 4 3 7 10 9 11

Show post-order traversal for the above tree [10 pts]


Write an interface GeneralTreeInterface for a general tree, along the lines of Slide 12, with interface for a binary tree. [10 pts]


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