430求助:国外大学论文格式为什么和国内有这么大的差别!我应该怎么办? 国外大学论文格式 国外大学论文格式很难用,这是留学生共同认为的既定事实。并不是说国外的论文格式用起来不合理,而是由于国内的论文格...
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计量经济数据分析代写 There are numerous sources that provide datasets that can be used for pursuing time series analysis. Below are some indicative examples:
There are numerous sources that provide datasets that can be used for pursuing time series analysis. Below are some indicative examples:
(World Development Indicators: Annual data, although time series data more limited for developing countries).
(Historical Statistics on GDP, GDP per capita and population between 1-2008 AD; very long-term annual data series)
(UK Office for National Statistics; monthly, quarterly data on several socio-economic variables for the UK economy)
(Eurostat provides monthly/quarterly data for the EU as well as EU member states)
(International Monetary Fund: very long time series for certain macroeconomic variables)
(International data on Covid-19 cases/infections/vaccinations)
This assignment requires you to download time-series data for any variables that are of interest to you (possibly variables that you are likely to use for your Masters thesis) and carry out some in-depth time-series analysis by utilizing the methodological tools that we cover throughout the lectures (e.g. statistical tests for stationarity, causality tests, alternative estimations by using both univariate as well as multi-variate time series models etc). You can make use of one of the datasets above, but please do feel free to download any time series data from alternative sources depending on your country/topic of interest.
The emphasis is on your ability to display in-depth knowledge of the time-series econometrics tools we cover during the lectures and reflect on the results. You will also be expected to provide some short discussion on the theoretical underpinnings of the relationships you will be estimating (e.g. how/why do we expect variable x(t) to depend on past values of x or y – is there some theoretical intuition behind this from the literature that guides your empirical analysis?)
The paper constitutes 40 percent of the grade for this course and should be handed in on or before 12 July (1700) via Canvas. Together with your paper, you will also be expected to send your data and do file (as email attachments), that will permit replicability of your results.
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求助:国外大学论文格式为什么和国内有这么大的差别!我应该怎么办? 国外大学论文格式 国外大学论文格式很难用,这是留学生共同认为的既定事实。并不是说国外的论文格式用起来不合理,而是由于国内的论文格...
View detailsThe Public Policy Process- Assessment 公共政策过程代写 Summative assessment-policy case study/extended essay: There are many theories of the policy process (see Hill 2013, Hill and Varone 2016...
View details国外高校的法律论文代写,找律师帮忙审核效果好吗? 法律论文代写 在国外很多的专业学习都有严格的要求,而且在高校学习的过程中,还有很多的论文需要写,完不成论文就会被认为不能完成学业了。比如法律专业...
View details不知道essay怎么写?帮你找到原因! 海外essay代写 语言不通,不知道essay怎么写?相信这个问题是很多在外留学生都会碰到的问题,毕竟essay是海外留学生留学过程中非常常见的一种作业类型,很多需要表达观...
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