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人工智能代写 Artificial Intelligence代写 AI代写

CS 771 Artificial Intelligence

Homework 1 (50 points)

人工智能代写 1.For each of the following assertions, say whether it is true or false and support your answer with examples or counterexample where appropriate.


For each of the following assertions, say whether it is true or false and support your answer with examples or counterexample where appropriate.

(a) (5 points) There exists a task environment in which every agent is rational.

(b) (5 points) Suppose an agent selects its action uniformly at random from the set of possible actions.

There exists a deterministic task environment in which this agent is rational.

2. (5 points) 人工智能代写

What is the main problem with simple reflex agent? How does model based reflex agent try to solve this problem?

3. (5 points)

What could be potential problems of a goal based agent? How does utility based agent try to solve this problem?

4. (15 points) 人工智能代写

Consider the following graph shown in Figure 1. The shaded nodes have already been visited and expanded.

(a) Draw the search tree that corresponds to this graph (assuming graph search), where the search has started from “A”, has just expanded “P”.

(b) Indicate the Frontier of the search tree.

(c) In a depth first search, what node would be expanded next?

(d) In a breadth-first search, what node would be expanded next?

(e) In a uniform-cost search, what node would be expanded next?

5. (15 points) 人工智能代写

Consider the following graph in figure 2 that represents road connections between different cities. The weights on links represent driving distances between connected cities. Let S be the initial city and G be the destination.

(a) Show how the uniform search works by giving the order in which nodes are expanded. In particular, for each step, show the nodes visited so far and the states and their associated costs in the frontier for that step.

(b) What is the final path?

(c) Is the path found by the algorithm optimal?


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