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建筑行业的环境可持续性代写 BCPM000046代写 商科论文代写

BCPM000046: Environmental Sustainability in the Construction Sector

Assessment Brief

建筑行业的环境可持续性代写 You have been asked to write an article for a built environment publication that will be read by professionals who have a knowledge of

You have been asked to write an article for a built environment publication that will be read by professionals who have a knowledge of construction/the built environment, but do not know about the specific topic area or place. You are writing the article to provide your readers with guidance about possible interventions that can be used to mitigate against the impact of climate-induced change and help adapt the place, so impacts are lessened or removed in the future. Choose one of the following options. Please make sure you give your article an appropriate tile that reflects the chosen climate change related problem and place.

Option 1 建筑行业的环境可持续性代写

Choose a city anywhere in the world and consider the current transport infrastructure. What problems does the current infrastructure present in terms of pollution and its contribution to climate change? Having described what the city is like now propose how the city’s infrastructure can be made more sustainable and what measures would need to be put in place to encourage the residents to transition to the new mode(s) of transport. In terms of proposing solutions consider whether smart technologies have a place in making the city more sustainable. In concluding, consider what environmental, social and economic benefits your proposal would bring.

Option 2 建筑行业的环境可持续性代写

Climate change is causing more extreme weather events. Choose an area of the world which is being impacted by extreme weather and discuss what is occurring, this might be more extreme storms, flooding, forest fires etc. Having explained what impact the extreme weather events are causing the population and the city consider what mitigation and adaptation measures can be integrate to lessen the impact of future events, this could for example be the planting of mangroves to lessen the impact of tropical storms. In concluding consider what social, economic and environmental benefits your mitigation and adaptation measures can bring.

Format structure 建筑行业的环境可持续性代写

In writing your article, please make use of illustrations and case study examples. Assume that your reader has never visited the place and so briefly give an idea of climate, density of population etc. In choosing case studies consider places that are in similar climate zones and/or are facing the same kinds of challenges. A good answer will consider how the city in terms of mitigating and adapting to the problem is addressing one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Any images need to have titles and where from secondary sources be referenced.

Please include a list of all works cited using Harvard style referencing.

Marking Criteria 建筑行业的环境可持续性代写

Introduction/statement of problem: Explain city/area and give an overview of the problems25%
Analysis: Discussion of possible mitigation/adaptation measures including reference to appropriate UN SDGs40%
Conclusion: Summary including the social, economic and environmental benefits of what has been suggested20%
Presentation: Use of referencing, illustrations and inclusion of case study examples15%

Word Count/Length: Your article should be 3,000±10%. Everything within the main body of the text is included in the word count except tables and illustrations.

Assessment Support 建筑行业的环境可持续性代写

There will be a discussion forum for general questions about the assessment and you can book tutorials with me. I will give feedback to a draft if it is at least a week before the assessment deadline

Submission Details

Uploaded to Moodle by 15:00 on Wednesday 20th April 2022

File to be uploaded via Moodle in Word or PDF format.

Word limit: 3,000±10% words (see the brief for exclusion).


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