代数代写 • Make sure that this file has your last name in its name! • This is a timed exam. You need to finish the exam by 2:00pm and submit you solutions to
• Make sure that this file has your last name in its name!
• This is a timed exam. You need to finish the exam by 2:00pm and submit you solutions to NYUClasses (not by email!) by 2:10pm. No late submission will be accepted.
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Let f : G → H be a homomorphism of finite groups G and H. Prove that |Ιm(f )| is a common divisor of |G| and |H|. Conclude that |Ιm(f )| divides gcd(|G|,|H|).
MT3505 Algebra: Rings & Fields: Solutions for Chapter 1.
环与域代写 1. Let R be a ring and let Mn(R) denote the set of n × n matrices with entries in R. Prove that Mn(R) is a ring. 2. For a...
MT4003 Groups
代考数学考试 EXAM DURATION: 2 hours EXAM INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt ALL questions. The number in square brackets shows the maximum marks obtainable for